Is there any such a way that will help you become happy instantly? You may say that "think positive". We all know this. But how many of us actually stay happy for 24 hours?
Language/ भाषा: English | हिन्दी
What type of thoughts mostly come to your mind the most- negative or positive? Your answer is negative, right? And once you get stuck in this negative cycle, then coming out of it becomes next to impossible. So the question is, how can we come out of this negative cycle immediately plus when we come out, it should not be temporary and but sustainable, like if some negative thought comes, it just comes and goes. We all currently are experiencing exactly opposite to this.
So the main point is how to instantly come out of the state of negativity and sustain it then and there? I think that the only way is- contentment, a state of happiness and satisfaction. And you will be satisfied when you will realize that the life that you are living is still a dream for lot of people. This is the only one reason to live a happy life- satisfaction.
There is no other way to be always happy. The only way is contentment. If you are satisfied in the things that you have, I assure you that no one can steal your happiness. Don't get confused by the thought that pleasure is happiness. There's joy in pleasure but there's no happiness in it.
The major difference between happiness and pleasure is, happiness is a state which is never ending. In other words, happiness is a feeling of gratitude in our heart, a feeling of thankfulness. If you follow these in your life, you will start feeling good, your mind will get relaxed immediately.
So, what is the practical way to bring contentment in your life? Let's think this practically.
Do you know what is the main problem of our brain? Even if everything is perfect in your life and unfortunately even a single thing happens opposite of what you want (like if someone insulted you), the a thought comes- 'How this happened?'. Then your mind gets stuck in that thought for many days or months even years. By default, everyone's mind works like this. In contrary, the same 'stucking' does not happen when something good happens with you. It makes you feel for a while and you forget it in a short time. Good things (like if someone praised you) do not keep revolving in your mind through the day.
If you are reading this post then it is quite possible that you have the basic things that are needed for survival. You are right now living the dream life of many people. If you understand this basic thing, you should never regret on your life. There are many people in the world who loose their lives because they don't have these basic things. The basic problem of your mind is- it has never thought in this way.
The default setting of our mind is- 'What if this happens?', 'Why is this happening only with me?', 'What if this doesn't happen?', these are some example of the default settings. Do you find happiness in these questions? So the challenge is to change this default settings of your powerful mind.
The first step of changing the settings comes from the realization, the realization of having the basic needs of life. Crores of people are struggling to achieve these basic needs. This one realization will make you feel extremely amazing, relaxed and clear. One more output of this first step is you will automatically start praying for everybody in this universe effortlessly. In the next stage, your ego will start fading off.
Anything that you do is eventually going to affect this world and the things the world is doing are going to affect you. So why not one should change his/her attitude towards living this beautiful life?
If you bring this changes to your life, I guarantee you that you will become a completely different person within an year.
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