Is there any such a way that will help you become happy instantly? You may say that "think positive". We all know this. But how many of us actually stay happy for 24 hours? Language/ भाषा: English | हिन्दी What type of thoughts mostly come to your mind the most- negative or positive? Your answer is negative, right? And once you get stuck in this negative cycle, then coming out of it becomes next to impossible. So the question is, how can we come out of this negative cycle immediately plus when we come out, it should not be temporary and but sustainable, like if some negative thought comes, it just comes and goes. We all currently are experiencing exactly opposite to this. So the main point is how to instantly come out of the state of negativity and sustain it then and there? I think that the only way is- contentment, a state of happiness and satisfaction. And you will be satisfied when you will realize that the life that you are living is still a dream for...